T Cubed Framework

The framework we use to build all of our modern projects. It utilizes Allegro 5 and supports targeting all platforms Allegro 5 supports.

The goal of this project is to streamline the process of creating and maintaining cross-platform projects. There are two main ways in which we attempt to accomplish this goal.

The framework provides a set of functions that streamline the process of setting up Allegro 5 and its add-ons. It also provides many useful functions that handle various aspects of game development. These include an input handler, view system, and supplementary audio functions to name a few.

The framework also provides a set of build scripts that enable you to easily target any of the platforms supported by Allegro 5. The build scripts are designed to be simple to understand and easy to grow with your project. Your project's properties are specified in a single file and your development environment configuration in another file.